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Blue Hound Books Group

Public·113 members

Axel Campbell
Axel Campbell

Gta San Andreas Audio Streams Aa Download

go to command prompt (Run>Cmd) and then direct it to your GTA Folder for me this is "cd C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas" but without quotes. in comand prompt type this : saat_stream -e audio\streams** c:\temp\saat Keep this open because we will need it later. Where ** is type the name of the radio station you want to edit E.G CH

Gta San Andreas Audio Streams Aa Download

Now we have to import the custom songs into GTA. To do this go back to Command Prompt and type this: saat_stream -i audio\streams** c:\temp\saat**\stream_import.ini audio\CONFIG\TrakLkup.dat Where ** is type the name of the radio station you want to edit E.G CH Now just hold your breath and hope it works x] if you have any problems just coment and ill try to help you wink.gif 350c69d7ab


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